Discover all the benefits of nutritional yeast on beauty

Discover all the benefits of nutritional yeast on beauty

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Discover all the benefits of nutritional yeast on beauty

Beauty market changed in the past months. Indeed, makeup purchases dropped by 34% in 2020. This slowing down of sales created a room for nutricosmetics.

Nutricosmetics are the connection between nutrition and beauty. Consumers are now aware about the connection of nutrition and health. A healthy, balanced, and diversified diet impacts positively multiple health benefits including beauty. Benefits from nutrition are coming from the inside and are visible from the outside. This is why nutricosmetics are also called beauty from within. 
To fulfill their needs in term of nutrition to be more than beautiful, consumers could be supplemented with dietary supplements. This is why This change in the beauty market and consumer interest are driving the growth of nutricosmetics. 

In the beauty from within market, most of existing options target three main health benefits: 

  • Hair 
  • Nails 
  • Skin 

Gnosis by Lesaffre aims to assist customers in the beauty market

In Gnosis by Lesaffre we offer several high-quality ingredients that provide benefits for beauty from within: 

  • Lynside® Forte Se+ 
  • Lynside® Forte Zn 
  • Lynside® Forte B 

Beauty enthusiasts discovered that selenium is the mineral needed for radiant skin and hair. Selenium is a trace mineral mainly found in seafood, organ meats, Brazil nuts, and eggs. This mineral contributes to the maintenance normal hair and normal nails.

Selenium in Lynside® Forte Se+ is found under the organically bound form: selenomethionine, the highest bioavailable source of selenium.
In the dietary supplements dedicated for beauty from within, selenium is often found in combination with zinc.

Zinc is also a trace element. This mineral is found in red meat, shellfish, nuts, seed, and legumes. Lynside® Forte Zn is full of bioavailable zinc compared to other sources of zinc.
Zinc offers different benefits for beauty. Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, normal nails, and normal skin. This is why zinc is one of the main minerals found in beauty from within supplements. 

Another key nutrient dedicated to beauty from within is biotin also vitamin B7 (or B8 depending on the area). Indeed, biotin is necessary for healthy teeth, bones, hair, skin, and nails. This is the B vitamin which is commonly found in supplements for beauty. Lynside® Forte B is a B vitamins yeast. This ready to use full cocktail of 8 B vitamins contains important quantities of biotin, making it perfect for beauty supplements.  

Thanks to all ingredients Gnosis target consumers’ needs in term of beauty from within. 

101 rue de Menin
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

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The information provided here is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, our products must only be used in compliance with local laws and regulations. We cannot guarantee the freedom of use for every intended application or country. These statements may not have been evaluated by your local Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. A healthy, balanced and diversified diet should fulfill all nutritional needs.