Webinar : The Online Probiotic Symposium in China

“The Online Probiotic Symposium” in China

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Last week Gnosis by Lesaffre held a webinar in China about probiotic yeast.


The online event was a success as our speech about probiotics saw great participation, and our regional Sales Manager, Will Wu, after having explained the benefits of our ingredients Quatreflora™ and ibSium®, held a very fruitful Q&A session.


Here some of the questions that were replied:


How Quatreflora™ works from the gastrointestinal tract to the vaginal tract?
Please explain the mechanism of ibSium® on pain relief.
Does yeast related microorganism contain more probiotic yeast?
Where did Lesaffre select the yeast strain?


If you want to know more about Quatreflora™, ibSium® and the other ingredients produced by Gnosis by Lesaffre, click here and register to our newsletter system and you will be always updated on the latest news and events.

101 rue de Menin
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

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The information provided here is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, our products must only be used in compliance with local laws and regulations. We cannot guarantee the freedom of use for every intended application or country. These statements may not have been evaluated by your local Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. A healthy, balanced and diversified diet should fulfill all nutritional needs.