What does Adonat® mean? Why is it branded as Premium SAMe? How this brand can help our partners to build reliability and help them in tailoring business?
In light of our own rebrand journey on Adonat®, we want to bring you inside. Through a short video, it is possible to effectively enter the Adonat® brand story, knowing easily which pillars and features we offer to our customers and partners.
Brand identity and Brand Positioning
SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine) is a versatile ingredient, finding applications in mood, liver and joint health. With this project we have tightly maintained the brand identity of Adonat®, using it as our master brand to anchor all sub-brands in the pipeline: moreover, we have created a new brand positioning that want to be transversal for all the application fields, with a key message of excellence, and for effective success in the global market.
Vitamin K2: Debunking Myths and Understanding Benefits
Research consistently shows that while Vitamin K is crucial for normal blood coagulation, Vitamin K2 does not lead to excessive clotting or increased blood thickness. Today, we’re addressing the widespread myth that Vitamin K2 can cause elevated coagulation levels.
Adonat® Premium SAMe for Menopausal Women’s Well-Being
The S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) can be a versatile molecule in alleviating various symptoms associated with menopause, from hot flashes and mood changes to bone- and heart-health concerns.
Quatrefolic® Approved in China for Maternal Nutrition: A Breakthrough for Pregnant and Lactating Women
The registration approval of Quatrefolic® by Chinese authorities marks a significant milestone for its use in nutrient supplementary food for pregnant and lactating women.