ibSium®, the probiotic for a complete intestinal comfort and…

ibSium®, the probiotic for a complete intestinal comfort and an improved quality of life

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ibSium®, the probiotic for a complete intestinal comfort and an improved quality of life

We all have a unique microbiota that reflects our digestive health. Many factors (diet, stress, medication, lifestyle…) can impact microbiota balance and induce digestive discomfort and symptoms as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

People with IBS often report physical symptoms, such as intestinal pain, bloating, or diarrhea.
ibSium® is a unique and patented probiotic yeast (s.cerevisiae CNCMI-3856) with clinically proven effects to provide complete intestinal comfort. ibSium® not only reduces the main symptoms such as intestinal pain, bloating or alterations in transit, but also improves quality of life. 

Learn more with the infographic.

101 rue de Menin
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

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