Webinar – New scientific model for probiotics: intestine-on-chip - Gnosis by Lesaffre

Webinar – New scientific model for probiotics: intestine-on-chip

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Probiotics are now consider as key ingredients, to demonstrate their benefits, some scientific models are available. Gnosis by Lesaffre, develops a new scientific method: the intestine-on-chip.

Gnosis by Lesaffre as a pioneer in innovation wants to invent the science of tomorrow. We develop new models, in order to:

  • Innovate better & faster
  • Adapt our science to be more and more sustainable
  • Mimic as close as possible human model in preclinical stage
  • Develop new analytical methods


Current preclinical models show failure rates for probiotics. To overpass these limits, Gnosis by Lesaffre developed with Emulate: the intestine-on-chip model.

A dynamic in vitro model

The technology consists of recreating cellular microenvironments with 3D human-derived cells. Moreover, this model reproduces the microcellular environment. The asset of this model is the dynamic flows on the top channel and bottom channel. These flows and cellular organization mimic a real human environment.

LifeinU™ BSCU1 was used to validate this model

To validate this new dynamic model in the field of immune response, we have used our well-studied probiotic LifeinU™ BSCU1 (Bacillus subtilis strain CNCM I-2745). LifeinU™ BSCU1 is a stable probiotic dedicated to immunity.

Thanks to its stability, the microorganism is suitable for long shelf-life applications such as functional foods and food supplements.

To learn more about intines-on-chip and LifeinU™ BSCU1, watch the replay of our latest webinar.


101 rue de Menin
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

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The information provided here is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, our products must only be used in compliance with local laws and regulations. We cannot guarantee the freedom of use for every intended application or country. These statements may not have been evaluated by your local Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. A healthy, balanced and diversified diet should fulfill all nutritional needs.