Award-Winning Experience for Gnosis by Lesaffre at SSW 2022 - Gnosis by Lesaffre

Award-Winning Experience for Gnosis by Lesaffre at SSW 2022

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Gnosis by Lesaffre proudly accepted the NIE Award for the Excipients/Non-actives/Delivery Systems category for its new Vitamin K2 Matrix protective technology, presented by Nutrition Industry Executive Editor-in-Chief Janet Poveromo.

The NIE Awards were selected by an esteemed panel of industry judges based on the following criteria:

• Product research/evidence/bioavailability

• Sustainability/traceability/certifications (if applicable)

• Consumer need

• The “Impressiveness Factor”

The winners were officially announced in the October/November issue of the Nutrition Industry Executive,  which was distributed at SupplySide West 2022, where certificates were presented. 

NIE New Ingredient Awards 2022

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59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

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