Addressing Infertility & Preventing Neural Tube Defects with Folate

Addressing Infertility and Preventing Neural Tube Defects with Folate

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Addressing Infertility and Preventing Neural Tube Defects with Folate

In an insightful podcast hosted in Indonesia by Prof. Dr. Tono Djuwantono, Dr. Sp.OG, SubSp.FER, M.Kes, and featuring guest speaker Dr. Dian Tjahyadi, Sp.OG, SubSp.FER, MMRS, FISQua, they explored the critical topic of “Addressing Infertility, Preventing Spina Bifida & Other Neural Tube Defects with Folate”.

Supplementing with folate during pregnancy offers significant advantages. It helps ensure proper fetal development, reducing the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Additionally, adequate folate levels support the baby’s brain and spinal cord formation, promoting overall healthy growth. This essential nutrient also aids in preventing anemia in mothers, contributing to a healthier pregnancy. 

Tune in as we explore the link between folate deficiency and infertility, and learn how adequate supplementation with Quatrefolic® during pregnancy can prevent serious conditions such s spina bifida and other neural tube defects.

This episode promises to provide valuable insights for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of folate’s impact on maternal and fetal health. 

We recommend adding subtitles and changing the language to watch the replay of this podcast, which is originally in Indonesian.

If you wish to learn more about folate and fertility, do not miss to download our brochure.

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